Our Care System

Our Care System

A Person Centered Approach to Home Care

The process of finding appropriate in-home care can be confusing and stressful; the sheer breadth of information available and the uncertainty of what action to take is often overwhelming.

Our care system was designed to insure that our client’s care needs and health objectives are met without being complicated or burdensome.  Determining the correct home care solution and maintaining a care plan for you or a loved one doesn’t have to be difficult and our care process has been simplified to the following five steps:

STEP 1: Preliminary Acquaintance

When you first contact AngeliCare, we start the process by building a profile of the care recipient.  This involves basic questions regarding their health history, care requirements, current living situation and care objectives.  This preparative information helps us determine whether or not or services can meet their care needs.  If we determine that we our services can truly benefit care recipient, then we will schedule an in-home assessment.

At AngeliCare, in-home assessments are always without cost or obligation.

STEP 2: In-Home Assessment

The assessment is an in-depth, fact gathering consultation that is the foundation in creating a customized care plan specific to meeting the client’s care needs and health goals.  An AngeliCare Care Specialist comes directly to the residence of the care recipient and asks a series of questions on a wide range of topics.

The assessment usually takes between 1-2 hours and we encourage participation and input from all family members, friends and those involved with the care of the client.  Their input not only helps us to better understand the interpersonal dynamics and specifics involved, but affords family and friends the opportunity to communicate questions, concerns or suggestions they may have pertaining to the care process.

To ensure that our clients are provided with the best level of care, we cannot provide our service without conducting an assessment.  Just because you have an assessment, doesn’t mean that you must immediately start care.  Assessments remain valid for 6 months, so for those thinking about utilizing our services in the near future, we always recommend getting the assessment completed, so that when you do decide to start service, we can immediately schedule service when notified.

STEP 3: Customized Care Plan

The information gathered from the assessment is utilized in creating a Customized Care Plan for the care recipient.  Unique to the care recipient, the Care Plan details the scheduling of our Caregivers and the respective level of services needed to meet our client’s care needs and objectives.

A copy of the Care Plan remains in the home of the care recipient.  All related information is documented, stored and revised accordingly by all those involved in the care process.  Authorized family members can view all related information concerning the care, routines, health status and daily actions and activity concerning the client.

STEP 4: Selection of Care Providers

This is a critical part of the process as compatibility between the client and CareGivers is the key ingredient to insuring a positive, successful in-home care experience. By utilizing specialized software and our own personal intuition, we specifically select caregivers whose personalities and skill sets are compatible to the client’s personality and care needs.

It’s important that the client and family understand that if a match isn’t as successful as anticipated, and it does happen, we will immediately find a replacement.  We continue the placement process until everyone; client, family and the caregiver (yes, sometimes caregivers ask to be replaced) are satisfied with the matching.  It is important for families to understand the importance of the placement process and to communicate their true feelings to our management team.  CareGivers are experienced professionals who realize that personalities sometimes don’t mesh and that reassignment is an normal part of the care process.

STEP 5: Continual Care Management

As our client’s health and care needs change, so does our provision of care and services.  One of the major advantages of our care system is our Continual Care Management process.  Our caregivers are trained and dutifully required to observe, monitor, and document all health-related aspects of their clients. We also have an on-staff registered nurse available to verify decisions being made for overall care.  We report all noted health related concerns to our client’s respective family members, primary care physicians, or guardians.  Daily documentation is always available for review in the client’s Care Plan Book.  Client documentation can also be can be transmitted electronically as needed.

As our client’s care needs change, we adjust the level of service and care coverage to meet those needs. If we determine that the client’s care needs have surpassed our service level, we immediately notify the family or primary guardian.  Rest assured, we will help you find the appropriate, qualified level of care needed for you or your loved one.

Ready to Start?  AngeliCare is the best option for keeping your loved one’s smiling. The most affordable, professional personal care services for seniors who want to enjoy their lives at home. Call us today at 559-453-0151!

Learn more about our in-home care services.

Why Choose Us?

We Have Made Starting In-Home Care Easy

Your path to quality in-home care for yourself or loved ones starts with a
phone call:
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24/7 Availability

Providing professional and compassionate care from a 1 hour visit up to 24/7:
See Our Many
Scheduling Options

Free In-Home Assessment

This in-depth and fact gathering consultation is the foundation
of your Customized
Care Plan:
Get Started Now

Our Care System

Our care system is easy, time-efficient, and
Learn About Our Client Centered Approach

Comfort Match Guarantee

The selection and matching of Care Providers is the key decision in our
Care System:
Learn How We Do It

Quality and Compassionate Caregivers

The quality of our service is dependent upon employing the best care
providers available:
Learn How We
Qualify Caregivers